Rabu, 13 April 2011

woman's role in family .

several days ago, we have project about interview correspondence.
it is SPEAKING III project. our lecture said that we can choose the topic which one we like,
so, our group ; nesti febrianti, rika rahman, and defiani chose the topic about woman's role in family.
in this project, we have to interview 5 correspmdence who are the students of English Department.
we have ten questions.
and as the result, I'll show to you :D

the first question is "what do you think about the woman's rola in family?"
our correspondence said that woman's role in family is as a mother, as a wife and some of the women also as a working woman.

the next question is "Do you agree if woman work?"
I think this is an interesting question, one of our correspondence who is man said that did agree, because he thought that woman was free to choose their job, because as we know that today is modern era. but, one of our correspndence disagree if woman works. his reason is if the woman is also as a wife, how she can take care her children, her husband and do all the housework at home. on the other hand, the correspondence who are women agree if the woman works, because it means that she is independent woman, if she has a husband, it means that she doesn't depend on her husband's salary.

the this question is "which one do you prefer, the working woman or housewife?"

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